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Lobby Committee

NIAP’s most pressing objective is foster changes in investor protection to help all investors while enhancing investor confidence by providing speedy relief to innocent victims of regulated brokerdealer

Our efforts will focus on six key areas:

  • enhance investor confidence by providing prompt relief for fraud victims of regulated
    broker-dealer failure establishing the validity of account statements (as the proper
    basis of “net equity”) and eliminating the clawback of innocent investors (SIPA)
  • provide tax relief to all fraud victims by providing extensions of the carryback period & other tax code modifications, including relief for investors in IRA’s and retirement
    plans (IRC)
  • implement an extensive review and assessment of existing components of the
    investor protection system: SIPC, FINRA, the SEC for causes of failure and stresstest
    for further potential weakness
  • improve safeguards, transparency and levels of oversight and SIPC protection for
    investors generally, and expedite relief for those suffering economic hardship
  • seeking relief for innocent indirect investors who participated and were victimized by
    fraud in a regulated broker-dealer, and enhanced safeguards to minimize those
    inappropriately invested in non-regulated entities
  • commit to improve education of investors, particularly the elderly, to minimize the
    predation of those most vulnerable to investor fraud
  • create an ongoing investor protection task force to work with Congress and the
    Administration and related agencies to insure maximum ongoing protection for
  • If you are interested in finding out more about our lobbying efforts and learning about how you can help, please email niapsubcommittee@investoraction.org

    If you are interested in making a donation towards NIAP’s efforts, click here.


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