Following is a press statement from Ron Stein, President of NIAP regarding the LA Times column on the Securities Investor Protection Corporation:
“NIAP strongly advocates a thorough examination of the Securities Investor Protection Corp. to ensure more comprehensive protection of innocent investment fraud and broker-dealer failure victims. It is very clear that SIPC is inconsistent, unfair and sluggish in the way it handles investor claims and that it was unprepared to handle large-scale, complex brokerage failures.”
Network for Investor Action and Protection Media Statement
Following is a press statement from Ron Stein, President of the Network for Investor Action and Protection, on the planned September House Financial Services Committee hearings to assess the limitations of the Securities Investor Protection Act:
Network for Investor Action and Protection (NIAP) Media Statement
Following is a press statement from Ron Stein, President of NIAP on the Madoff Trustee’s announcement of clawback initiatives:
“NIAP is strongly opposed to clawbacks of investors who are innocent of any wrongdoing. For all of the other lawsuits the Securities Investor Protection Corp. Trustee has filed to recover assets